<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">HOWLDEE eberone!!!!!!!!! Watcha doing? I'm asittin heer wid weerdo (Mom). I tink dat she pored itch-powder awl ober me!!!!! Dat wasn't nice! I'm itching ssssoooo bad dat I caint stand it! Ebil woman!!!!!!! Hey, does eenyone no Beckie McClintock, Jackie Bigham, and Nikki Watkins' emell addresses? Can you tail me wat dey are? Now....dat was rude. I just kneed dere addresses! Come on....be a sport....tail me, OK? Dat weigh I won't hab to come to eberbodees homes to twy to find dem! I WHEEL come ober dere if I hab to! AND, I won't be happee. LOL----just kidding! Y'all are nice....I won't hert you...Mom, on de udder hand, she's asking fer it!!!! You no, she pored itch-powder awl ober me! I no dat she did! De weesel!!!!!! My fillings are hert
now!!!!! My liddle lip is stuck out!!! Dere's nuttin sadder dan a pore Basset wid it's long, luxurious eers, dose soulful eyes, wid dere lip stuck out. Just imagine it!!!! Hope eberone gits to fillin bedder, if you're sicky. If you're knot....whale....neber mind. I'm gonna go hab it out wid Mom, tail her dat it's knot nice to pore itch-powder awl ober me! Tawk lader.....MOM? COME HEER!!!! WAT DO YOU MEEN PORING ITCH-POWDER AWL OBER ME!!! JUST FER DAT, YOU STAND HEER & SCRATCH ME!!!! yeah, dat's it....aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh <BR><BR>
<DIV>Dixie The Magnificent(ly Insane) Doer uv Dastardly Deeds OEBE</DIV></td></tr></table><br>