<div dir="ltr"><div><font face="Courier New">Steve we are very sorry that Wyatt went to the bridge..I am sure Benny met with him to show him the ropes cause they would be instant friends having the Osteosarcoma..and because Wyatt looked a lot like Bob. Ive attached your original post cause the rich text ghomes made it an attachment and so lots of droolers might have missed it and it is to important of a message to be missed and everyone has to check out the kewl video on Utube...</font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New"></font> </div>
<div><font face="Courier New"><<<<<<Wyatt made the trip to Rainbow Bridge on Monday 9/15/08 at 1:25pm</font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New">Wyatt had Osteosarcoma, and a spleen tumor; Diagnosed on 6/15/08, but had signs before that(limping and weight loss)<br>On Sunday, he was hesitant to eat sausage and turned down bacon. On the same day, he apparently tore the ankle </font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New">ligements on his good leg.. one of them anyway. I spent the night in the floor with him Sunday night, </font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New">and stayed home Monday; On Monday morning, his foot swelled upand walking was difficult..... </font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New">if he walked at all; I took him to his favorite trail/walk and pulled him in his cart. I tried to feed him </font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New">steak, but he only ate a couple bites; He seemed to only get excited for Milk and chocolate chip cookie dough..</font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New">and you know what? Why not? He had less than an hour left to live, let him eat what he wants!I even sent my sister to get an extra gallon of milk as we were out.<br>I help him on my lap on the sofa for a long time, but before the vet got there, he got down on his own.. </font></div>
<div><font face="Courier New">sea lion style, and just laid there. He showed excitment at meeting the vet, but he was in obvious pain.</font></div><font face="Courier New">
<div><br>Wyatt went in his daddy's arms... while I talked gently in his ears...<br><br>The vet said that at most, he may have gone 1-2 days too late.. but he had watched football with my and my buddies every sunday in season for 11 years(this would have been 12). This was the first week they were coming by, and they needed to say goodbye. </div>
<div>They both broke down in tears... and I think Wyatt needed to say goodbye to them.In my opinion, I think </div>
<div>he went about 3 hours too late.. and I'd rather go 3 hours to late than 3 weeks too early!<br>I took tuesday and wednesday off... I went out of town to see a friend, and took his sister, Clover with me.</div>
<div> She's struggling. Her entire life has revolved around bossing him around... 11 years.. and now she doesn't </div>
<div>know what to do with herself. She's 3 months older than Wyatt, but we do not share the same connection as Wyatt</div>
<div> and myself... that was special. Clover has been joining me on errands.. if I'm going for a short stop to the </div>
<div>store, to pick up my son, etc.. I take her with me. She needs the attention, and do I. I'm looking at finding </div>
<div>her a rescue Basset sometime in the next few months.<br><br>This is a video I put on youtube. It's how I will remember him. I'll do a more complete tribute later.</div>
<div>This was taken in December 2003 when he was 6.5 years old.<br><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD-DHJRJBD0">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD-DHJRJBD0</a></div>
<div><br>You will be missed, but will love on forever in my heart!>>>>>>></div></font><br clear="all"><br></div>