<div dir="ltr"><div>It was a lucky day for us...here in Cincinnati. We were missing our bestest fwiend, Pw. Annie and we were very sad every time mommy talked to Auntie Beth. Her heart was very bwoken.</div>
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<div>And then, one day she emailed us some pichures of buppies that needed homes. They were in Northern Ohio and she begged us to come with her to see the buppies. She said there was a certain little gurl buppie that she just knew she had a place in her heart for. So mommy and I loaded up the car and hopped in the next morning, for a trip to Columbus. </div>
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<div>A funny thing happened on the way to Auntie Beth's... mommy began to think that we could have a place in our heart for a rescued buppie too. By the time we got to Aunt Beth's we were laughing and crying and looking at the buppie pictures and making phone calls. A few hours later we loaded up auntie Beth's car and were on our way again.</div>
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<div>It was a long ride and I gave up my supper time (something I am not known for!) just to get to the other end of Ohio.</div>
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<div>When we arrived we got to meet some very nice people and two buppies. I checked them out very thoroghly and gave it my paw of appwoval. By the time it was dark we loaded up again , this time with two buppies for me to keep a paw on during the trip. One was Izzy and the other, Rudy, a widdle boy who was going to come home to Cincinnati wif me and mom.</div>
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<div>He is a cute widdle stinker and I think one day he will be a very hansume fellow. Just don't tell him I said this. Rudy is currently enrolled in my Pw. LilyGurl's school of Royal Basset Deportment. He has been assigned to be my trainee and assistant. So far, he has learned to leave holes in the center of each square of toilet paper daddy puts on the roller. The absolute center I tell you! I was pwoud of him. Then he started in on shoe strings. I showed him that he should only choose the best...the ones on the newest shoes...then there were the table legs and chairs. He has carved some very lovely little teeth marks on them. Also, he knows that when Mommy tells him 'no-no' he runs down the hallway and pees on the carpet so she learns that she is the slave, not the boss! A very nice bawk he has too!</div>
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<div>*sigh* I am looking forward to many wonderful trips to Columbus where I can visit Auntie Beth and keep a Royal eye on Rudy and his sister Izzy as they play and grow up together in Annie's garden. And I know too, that Pw. Annie Annie is smiling and wagging her tail in satisfaction.</div>
<div><br>Pwincess LilyGurl & Rowdy Rudy, my trainee, and the rest of the entourage<br><br></div></div>