<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><P>Hi All!</P>
<P>I haven't posted in a while, as the slave to the OEBE Chicagoland headquarters has had a very very busy summer between work and vaction and getting the new house in order (can't believe I've been here over a year). Unfortunately, we had a very important family event out of state the same weekend as the GABR waddle and didn't even get there. </P>
<P>Anyway, this is an important post to me and my family.... my "little brother" Petey the 16lb Jabba-chihaua has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and it has spread to his liver. (To make this basset related, my step mom and dad consider Petey a child and therefore he would be Wendell and Bailey's uncle). Petey had a very hard life before my father rescued him from the shelter (not an hour before he was scheduled to be PTS). Petey has been the biggest joy in my father's and step-mom's life from the day he waddled into it and they dote on him and spoil him rotten. They are having a tough time with both their health and taking care of my disabled grandfather. So far, the medicine that they have Petey on seems to be helping and Petey seems to be in no pain and is actually happier and bouncier than before because he has lost 2 lbs. </P>
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<P>But we know that won't last. My step-mom knows the power of Drool and asked that I ask my basset friends to sling some drool towards Antioch, CA for Petey to stay pain free as long as possible and a little for her and my dad too as they face the loss of their little boy. So if you have some extra, can you please sling it that direction?</P>
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<P>Thanks everyone!</P>
<P>The OEBE Chicagoland Regional headquarters, Pw. Wendell W. Bottom, OEBE Viceroy, Bailey OEBE Evil Enchantress, Probert, BABES Pugilist the cats and Mishu the wobbly chow mix that has joined the pack....</P></div><br>