<div dir="ltr"><div>The first night we had Zelda,she was12 weeks old. She was asleep on the couch,all curled in this little cute Buppy Ball of ears and feet, and John reached over to give her a pat and she nailed him.</div>
<div>Ok she had already attacked Cooper and made it clear to Mitchell that whatever he thought about his position in the pack he could just jolly well re-think it, and I am watching this wondering OMG, what have I done???</div>
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<div>But she never did it again. Nevertheless we are very respectful of the sleeping dogs, especially the older ones like Mitchell, who may not hear you coming. (But can hear a piece of bread being buttered from the back of the yard with all the doors and windows closed.)</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell, Cooper, & Zelda ATB</div></div>