<div dir="ltr"><div>Ok, MomPerson here to say it will be at LEAST 6 months before I know what will happen with Wendy, the sister to Nigel and Llewis that I am sneakily campaigning to get my hands on. If she has puppies when she is bred again, the whole deal is off anyway. If she doesn't conceive, then--- we'll see. I think I can talk this girl into the house, but am never sure. John will be retired. With the economy the way it is....we may be living in a huge box on lower Wacker Drive. (And the last time I saw her, Wendy was black and tan with a little white.) When she was born she was so strange looking I dubbed her "The Rottweiler" because that's what she looked like to me at birth. Naturally, she was the pick of the litter. Shows how much MomPerson knows. LOL.</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell and Cooper</div></div>