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We got a new sofa this weekend. Not a particularly odd thing to do. Except it is unusual for us in that the one we replaced is over 25 years old. It finally gave up last week and so did we. That couch has been a bed, resting place, wrestling ring, trampline, diving board and several other things for 7 boistrous bassets and three now almost grown children. I figured we would get a new one when the boys stopped vaulting over the back to sit down, stopped plopping onto it, stopped putting their feet on it and so on. What was I thinking? Hasn't happened yet. <BR>
All seven bassets have left hair deposits on the cushions. They played, fought, napped, and reigned over their sections of the couch. It was ugly from the beginning. Our other one was stolen (It is a long story) so we got this one because it was big and cheap. It had room for seven people or seven bassets, I guess. Right now it is in a heap in the garage awaiting its fate. <BR>
Silly to be sentimental about a sofa. Echoes of the past linger with a lot of great memories. The new one won't hold all the girls and people. Have to get a loveseat and chair for that. <BR>
Ninja (I like the new couch. No one else fits with me)<BR>
Marley(the bed is bigger and that's where I am)<BR>
Maggie(Can I get in your lap? Can I? Can I? CanI? Can I?)<BR>
The Mom who is too tired to move right now<BR><br /><hr />Get more out of the Web. Learn 10 hidden secrets of Windows Live. <a href='http://windowslive.com/connect/post/jamiethomson.spaces.live.com-Blog-cns!550F681DAD532637!5295.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_getmore_092008' target='_new'>Learn Now</a></body>