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Not much is going on here in southern Illinois today. It is a four day weekend for school kids and some husbands who are working on making me insane faster than the usual rate--bit that is another story. All of the houndage is in the family room with me. It is beautiful ourside; the sun is out; it is warm and breezy. We are all chewing on bones with raw stuff hanging off of them. Do you think we could go out and do this in the grass where it wouldn't make a mess? Not this bunch. All of the bones are in here with me too. I have now stepped on at least two of them. Heaven forbid that I should throw them away. <BR>
The DH is cleaning up a bunch of his stuff and Ninja has been helping. He fills the file box and she knocks it off of the couch. Not going to repeat some of the things that were said. Just glad that bassets are not minah birds. She usually helps me type by putting her big paw on the keyboard when she is on my lap. <BR>
Maggie helped me make Pumpkin bread tonight. She spread out on the floor so I had to walk over her repeatedly. She was upset when I stepped on her tail. She never grumps, just jumps up and moves a little. I stepped on her ear and she didn't even blink. The most patient animal I have ever met. She makes us smile every day. <BR>
Ever watch three bassets try to get out of a sliding door at the same time? I get that priviledge every day. They always assume that they will fit. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Not in this lifetime. Usually Maggie gets out a little ahead of Ninja and Marley gets pushed to the rear. And the big hurry to get outside is squirrel removal. Ever vigilant, no squirrel stays in this yard unmolested. I swear that the girls are laughed at by those fierce squirrels. The offenders sit on the fence and wiggle their fannies at the defenders of the known universe. <BR>
Anyway, nothing exciting is happening here today. Wonder what I used to talk about before dogs and kids?! Can't remember. <BR>
Have a good night.<BR>
Julie and the SI girls,<BR>
Ninja--asnoozing on the new couch<BR>
Maggie--asnoozing on the floor<BR>
and Marley--acrabbing in her hidden place<BR> <BR> <BR><BR><br /><hr />Stay up to date on your PC, the Web, and your mobile phone with Windows Live. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/msnnkwxp1020093185mrt/direct/01/' target='_new'>See Now</a></body>