<div dir="ltr">Attention... attention please! The amazing, exciting *Senior Droolers Are Cooler* art exhibition, featuring original pup-portraits by some incredibly talented kids (ages 5 to 16), is finally open (I apologize for the delay -- but the art is worth waiting for!).<br>
<br>So run, don't waddle, on over to get your Raffle Tickets and support House of Puddles NOW. You could own one of these fabulous masterpieces, and ALL proceeds benefit the hounds of HOP: <a href="http://www.bassethoundtow...tore3/items/ppgallery.php">http://www.bassethoundtow...tore3/items/ppgallery.php</a><br>
<br>Eleven young pupcassos contributed... and these beautiful pieces make GREAT Secret Santa gifts! Raffle tickets are $1 each -- and you get 5 bonus tickets for every 20 purchased. And the magnificent HOP hounds themselves will draw the winning tickets on November 1. So hurry hurry hurry on over and snag your tickets (which will be e-mailed to you)!</div>