<div dir="ltr"><div>Why is Lucy being destructive? </div>
<div>Because she is a puppy. And, while walks and playtime and attention decrease her urges substantially, she is still a puppy. So, any neat thing that she sees is fair game for a little exploration. Which often involves teeth. And shredding. And sometimes hiding for later shredding. </div>
<div>Think of her like a 1 year old child. You would never allow a 1 year old child to roam the house without you in her sight line, lest the child destroy something or hurt themselves. That's where Lucy is right now. So, it's awesome that you crate her when you're gone. I would add that, when you're home, Lucy needs to be in your sight or in the room with you. Baby gates work great. So do leashes and closed doors. Oh, and just like potty accidents, you can't scold her for things you didn't catch in the act. </div>
<div>The bottom line is that she is being totally, wonderfully developmentally appropriate. And hopefully (fingers and toes crossed), she will outgrow destruction and chill out a little over the next 2 years or so. But, some don't. Until then, she needs observation and containment. </div>
<div>And if you need some advice on baby gates and locks, the house of Koa has tried just about everything. The only thing more destructive than a basset or a toddler is a basset and a toddler.</div>
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<div>Sarah, with Koa and Othello</div></div>