<div dir="ltr"><div>Dis Nigel.</div>
<div>No quesshun, MomPerson be home. All da towuls we drugged outta da bafroom ta play wif ober da weekent, dey histree. She done snetched em outta are jaws, yes she did too. She just teke um da hole time mimblin bout DadPeepel what let liddel dogs do whaddebber.</div>
<div>Gotta tell ya, DadPerson be cool! We wented thro too hunh? Whut Llewis. Oh ok. You an dat book. TWO boxsis ob biscits dat MPerson botted befour she leff thinking dat be plenty. Hah Hah. We got DadP traint. We go out come in gedda treet. He geddup walk aroun we runs out to da kitchen an he gib we treets. We ask for belly skritches an get belly rub an a treet. We bark ousside we come in we gedda treet. We sleepin nice we gedda treet. We barkin, we gedda treet. It like hebben! Just like Hebben muss be. An Lap sittin? Oh man oh man do we lapsit on he. Too--sorry Llewis you liddel pimpelhed--TWO ob we at oncet. Me an Llewis or me an Mitchell or me an me. Uncle Cooper he lookin oudda da winnow for MomPerson. He eet mebbe haf he food an leeb da ress. He not want he biskit so DPerson breke it uup inna tree parts an gib me an Llewis an Mitchell sum. When MomPerson drived inna drivething, Uncle Cooper he almoss go thro da winnow.He all fours on da baka da couch skreemin like a liddel girl (where he be, Llewis? Ok, keep eyeballs out.)</div>
<div>MomPerson reely happy to see we, too. She say she not seen won Basset or won Uncle Cooper all weekent. She say she saw huntin dawgs whadebber dey be, an she seen ole dogs an she met too borker callies an a golden reetreevr whut had walkt 3 ours an woodent get in da peepuls car cuz she wanted toplay fetch da green tennyball wif MomPerson.</div>
<div>She say she seen a liddel kitty reel cute.An a doxhonde an big katz an art art art art whadebber dat are. </div>
<div>Oh, fank yew Llewis liddel nose itall</div>
<div>Art he say are painings, an joolry an woodstuff an glasstuff an potry. She botted some potry. She say she cant by no glass cuz dat kid ob hers Chrisotopfeffer (hey I dunno) he a glesszblouser....glessbloner....glazzblowyer......he meke stuff outta glasz. SHUDDUP LLEWIS IF I WANT DA SPELLINK I AX.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>She seen beyootiful howses, an homes whut yust to be brooories, an chruchiz, an stapels, an stuff like dat all fixed up to lib in. She met sumwon what knew sumwon whut she noed an she gots all scited about it. SillyMPerson.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>So she home an taday a nitemare. No treets except for comin in when callt and she meens rite now not later. Youse come in later youse no git treets. Shuddup Llewis dirtbrain, I was doin sekrit stuff, dat why I not come rite in. No treets for been cute. No treets for findin dat bafroom paper for she. O Contair (Dat Frensch. I lernt Spinach now I lernin Frensch.)</div>
<div>we gots in trubbel for dat paper fing. An towuls? Dey gone.Whup juss like dat dey in da launry an we tole dey not toys. Humf.</div>
<div>Dat Mondae wif MomPerson home. No fun a tall.</div>
<div>Love an Drool to them whut needs it, </div>
<div>Nigel an Llewis da Drip.</div>
<div>No I wont teke it beke. Ha, you gotta ketch me firssssOW OW OW leggo dat, Llewis!!!</div></div>