<div>Hello Everyone,</div>
<div>This is Kathi, faithful slave and personal assistant to the lovely Hannah Bandannah. Miss Hannah B has given me permission to update everyone on the Champion Sleeper calendars.</div>
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<div>As you may remember, I was scheduled to undergo surgery for a brain tumor on October 7th and wouldn't be able to ship the calendars out until I recovered a bit. Good news on both fronts - My doctor feels he was able to get all of the tumor and I am now at home recovering from the surgery. I am feeling better each day. I wanted to thank all of you for the drool, prayers, and cards. All of it has made me feel so much better and I do appreciate it. </div>
<div>Second, all of the Champion Sleeper Calendars that have been ordered so far were shipped out today and should arrive to you this week. I appreciate everyone being so understanding about the delay and I hope you enjoy the calendars.</div>
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<div>If you haven't ordered your copy of the calendar yet, there is still time. Just go to:</div>
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<div><a href="http://www.ohiobassetrescue.org/calendar2008/calendarhome.html">http://www.ohiobassetrescue.org/calendar2008/calendarhome.html</a></div>
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<div>Or, you can email Hannah at <a href="mailto:hannahb4obr@gmail.com">hannahb4obr@gmail.com</a> if you have questions or wish to pay by check. Every dollar goes to help the homeless hounds of Ohio.</div>
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<div>Finally, I do have about 10 signed copies of the book "Champion Sleeper" by Tim Young still available if you didn't get one. They are $15 plus shipping. Just email and let me know. They will be available on a first come-first serve basis.</div>
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<div>Thanks again for everything! Drool to all in need!</div>
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<div>Kathi - Slave to Fogarty, Marla, O'Tay, Sam, Beauregard, Ned, and Hannah - Hershey and Klause the Wannabes - and Forever Loved Einstein, Harriet, Honey, Miss Droopy, and Abbi (All waiting ATB)</div>