<div>Dear QW. Olive & Elder Clara, </div>
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<div>Pw. LilyGurl pawing in here. I totally sympathize. Since the mom bwought home this little stinker Rudy, my life has been comparable to a box of bwoken biscuits!...no two alike, my peaceful days cwumbling before my very eyes. He has no respect and I have had to lay the paw down plenty of times..but I am afwaid his puppy bwains are very lacking..in fact, I am not sure there are any in the widdle brown head of his. He keeps doing the same dumb stuff over and over. I am thinking about packing him up and shipping him to Nigel and Llewis...he would fit right in over there and I could once again nap in peace!</div>
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<div>Pwincess Lilygurl...getting older and grayer ebery day....<br><br>Pwincess LilyGurl, Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br><br></div>