.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;">Dewey da Big Hunter here. I made my first kill tonight! My kitty brudder, DeVille, will be so proud when I tell him. <br><br>Mommy took me for a walk after dinner, hoping to find my buds to play with. Nope. Too dark for them, I guess. Oh well. Den, outta nowhere, I smelled that critter. I smelt them before, but nebber seed them. It was on someone's grass. I sniffed around, and IT STARTED SQUEAKING AT ME! Gadzooks! I jumped back, then poked my nose at it and it squeaked at me again! I jumped back again. Mommy was telling me to get him! She be saying sumfin about molz. Whatebber it was, it kept squeaking whenebber I poked it wit my nose. This was fun! I seen DeVille do this. Den I grabbed it in my mouth and tossed it! Then grabbed it and tossed it. I must hab busted the squeaker, though, cuz it quieted down. Mommy doesn't like things being killed, but she sez these molz are ok to kill. I wasn't hungry, so I left it for the cat that I can always smell there. I'm not eating no dirty old molz! Nope, not me!<br><br>So you see, I am now a Big Hunter. <br><br>Bwana Dewey<br></div><br /><hr />Stay organized with simple drag and drop from Windows Live Hotmail. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_102008' target='_new'>Try it</a></body>