<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">HOWLDEE FOLKES!!!!!! I wish to congratulate Hannah, Nigel & Llewis.....& Elder Clara! You make me proud to be a Basset!!!!!!!!! BUT....NO ONE CAN STEEL MY BELOVED ROLAND!!!! Just in case eenyone is considering it. LOL I wuvs my Rollie! Y'all thot dat I was gone, didn't ya? I'M KNOT.....awl togedder now, yell "YYYYEEEEAAAA!!!!". Let's awl do a happee dance! (music playing) I didn't say to do a ballet! AND I didn't say a werd bout tapdance, now did I? I saw a cupla uv y'all doing dat! I meant fer awl uv us to do de Riverdance ting! We'll start ober, OK? lalaladeedahlalaladeedah OK, I'm done fer. I'am completely wore out!!!!!! Tawk lader.....WHEW!!!!!!!!<BR><BR>
<DIV>Dixie The Magnificent(ly Insane) Doer uv Dastardly Deeds OEBE</DIV></td></tr></table><br>