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<RTE_TEXT>We are so glad that Maggie has taken a turn for the better. We will keep praying and drooling that things will stay good and get better.<BR>
We are so sorry to hear that Brendan has gone to the bridge. Those old guys are the best. Maybe he will meet Sherlock and they can have some bread and butter together. <BR>
We are sending drool to any and all who need some. We always have drool to spare. We are cold here. It is supposed to freeze tonight so we are sending warm up drool too. <BR>
>From the sleeping, snoring Southern Illinois girls, Ninja, Marley, and Maggie with the mom</RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie. <a href='http://windowslive.com/connect/post/jamiethomson.spaces.live.com-Blog-cns!550F681DAD532637!5295.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_domore_092008' target='_new'>Learn Now</a></body>