<div>Thank you to each and every one of you that have emailed or posted. I did go get the kids and take them to see Maggie. The blood test showed nothing wrong with her liver or her kidneys. The vet still sticks to the issue being a bacterial infection in her pancreas. He put her on anti inflammatories, antibiotics, and fluids. He shaved her neck to draw blood from it. He has a port in her leg which she has a bottle of fluids attached to. She has literally been blowing feces/blood mix from her bottom. Think of the exorcist in reverse. She was happy to see us. I can tell she is more hydrated by the looks of her eyes. She wagged her tail, but did not flop over for a belly rub. She has been quiet for a few days which I never noticed. She has not been barking when I come home. The good news is that she did start barking late this afternoon after the tech checked on her. She is going to be staying overnights at the vets office to ensure that she is kept quiet and on fluids. The vet thinks that we caught this in time, but one more day could have been too late as the organs can start "eating" themselves. I hope that is what he said. I am so confused and out of my mind right now that I hope I am making sense. Maggie is putting up the good fight. He believes that if she keeps up fighting that she can make it. Tonight will be the test. I am to call or go there around 8 am and see how she is (meaning is she alive) and try to somehow sleep and such. Thank you to all that suggested that it is ok to take the kids. My gosh, we have had Maggie only 9 months less then we have had our youngest child who is 9 years old. I am not ready to say goodbye or to lose Maggie. The vet asked me how far we wanted to go. I told him not to put her through surgery if she is already losing fluids, blood, etc. as I don't want her to suffer and be in pain. If this is Maggie's time then so be it, but I will selfishly wish that she stayed longer. Maggie is such a family member that I told my husband that I was not moving to Italy for the military as I didn't want to be separated from her for any amount of time. For Maggie, my husband left the life of active duty Air Force behind. He is now in the NY Air National Guard and is a Federal Technician. I was able to get a hold of him. He didn't have his cell phone on because he was in a class. It is like the other dogs here knew that I needed something to keep my mind off from Maggie. When I got back from the vets, Mazzie and/or Oliver had literally knocked over the trash can and spread it through the whole downstairs which included eggs and coffee grounds. I had thrown eggs away that had expired last week. They strung them and their shells and apparently ate them too. </div>
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<div>Well, I hope tomorrow I am giving better news. I hope this is not the take a turn for the better right before the finale as my brother's st. bernard did. He had a splenic tumor that had ruptured. </div>
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<div>Thanks for all the DRool,</div>
<div>Dee, Maggie, Mazzie, Oliver and Cooper & the human family too</div>