<div>Dis is Grampa Mitchell. I has a favor. I am a ole guy kinda, and I gots a fren whut not a Basset, but we noed each other since we li'l tads. Her name is Winnie an she are a Beyootiful Golden Retreever.</div>
<div>Other day Winnie out in the yard an she screem. It turn out she broked her elbow bad. She didint do nuffin, turnd wrong or sumfin. We all nose dis not good stuff. Enyways affer a lot of consulding wif a lotta VetPeepel, the bone man say it best to.....oh I kin almoss not say it</div>
<div> </div>
<div>It be bess to </div>
<div>teke it off. Da hole leg. Oh, my beyootiful fren Winnie. I soooo sad. I sing ahrooos. Winnie got ona da bess MomPeeples eber, name ob Heidi Paul, so I nose she will git speshul love an care, but</div>
<div>If enywon wanna sen speshul drool to my fren Winne she email</div>
<div> </div>
<div><a href="mailto:loonlady04@att.net">loonlady04@att.net</a> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>An Wiinie's snail mail are:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Winnie Paul</div>
<div>1825 New Monee Rd</div>
<div>Crete, IL 60417</div>
<div> </div>
<div>She habbin dis done tomorrow. I gone spend da day in deep thought thinking good thunks to Winnie.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Love an Drool to all in need,</div>
<div>Grampa Mitchell Szaton</div>