<div>Well, first off I would like to thank all of you and yours for the drool, prayers and well wishes. I would really like to thank my vet and his staff for the exceptional care they gave Maggie. They literally saved her life. The vet is impressed on how well she recooperated. I am convinced the drool played a big part. She had x rays, hospital stay, blood work, IV's, anti-biotics, an exam, anti inflammatories, food, bath, etc and I was very impressed with the bill. My husband is another story on trying to convince him that it was a deal. Maggie's life does not have a monitary value to me. </div>
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<div>The vet tech said that she was a little worried that she didn't eat much for breakfast, but she did keep it down as that was the test. I told her it was because she forgot the yogurt on top. Maggie did not have pancreatitis so she does not need a special diet. Since Maggie had alot of the same symptoms last year, the vet and I discussed that she may have seasonal allergies to something in the environment. Last year we thought she ate an acorn on a walk. We thought we were going to lose her then and that was September of 2007. This year was much worse too. The vet jokingly said see you this time next year. I asked him if we could put her on some allergy </div>
<div>medication at the end of summer next year and he said of course. I would rather give her an allergy pill then chance losing her again. </div>
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<div>Anyhow, Maggie is home tonight on a trial night. She came home with the catheter still in her leg. If she sleeps here fine all night long and does not vomit or have a bm incident that is yucky with blood, then her catheter can come out tomorrow. She is weaker then she was. I boosted her into the van and she stumbled about trying to pick a seat. She is currently laying on the dog couch in the office right behind me. She is making her regular grunting noises. It feels so good to have her home. My husband even commented that I sounded more upbeat on the phone today (I am in NY and he is in Mississippi). In other words, we are not out of the woods yet, but we are creaping out slowly with hopefully a recovery. </div>
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<div><a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/209908">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/209908</a> Just incase you want to put a face to the name. This is Maggie's dogster page. It has not been updated in awhile as she is alot more white in the face. She is also on June 30th 2008 drool calendar.</div>
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<div>Thank you so much to everyone for the drool, well wishes, prayers and support. I really felt like I had the emotional support that I needed from everyone here. </div>
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<div>Maggie came home just in time for the first snow fall of the year here. It is so cold and windy. BRRR,</div>
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<div>DRool to all in need,</div>
<div>Dee, Maggie, Mazzie, Oliver and Cooper</div>
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