<div>Happy Wednesday....<br>
The girls and I want to extend lots of drool to all those houndies and their slaves that are dealing with illness, stress and everything else that keeps coming at us all and also to all those who have lost a beloved hound in recent days our thoughts and prayers are with you.<br>
Trixie is still part of our lovely family. The longer she is here I suspect that she will become a permanent part. She is a real sweetheart and her "straying ways" aren't so obvious. She even didn't want to go outside in the cold last night! She so reminds me of Sierra - the way she puts her whole face in the water, the look of "who me". Think she is pretty happy here, but I just feel that I could do so much more if I stayed a foster home since OBR is stuffed to the gills with bassets and are in desperate need of more foster homes and as always funds. I know there are quite a number that are being kenneled and those pups have to come out so the kennel can conduct business over the Thanksgiving holiday....so any of you able body basset lovers in the state of Ohio contact OBR and help find these guys a home! I am trying to get hubby to take on another but with 4 already I am not sure that one will fly.<br>
And I have to brag and correct a little something...My Maggie Mae is the feature pup for November 1st on the Drool calendar....apparently when I sent it in I didn't do the math right since it will be Maggie's 5th birthday and our 5th anniversary on Saturday! Just read a little ahead today and realized my error!<br>
Still pounding the pavement for work...have a few yoga classes, but it's not going to sustain us through the winter months so if anyone knows of anything in the Cleveland/Canton Oh area or that can even be done online (remotely) I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to email me off list at <A href="mailto:earthyoga@aol.com">earthyoga@aol.com</A>.<br>
Again...lots of drool to all in need!<br>
Emily and the Gareis girls, Maggie, Bailey, Princess and Trixie (the possible foster failure!)<br>
Sierra ATB (2.6.08)</div>
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