<div>Healing drool to Tammy and warm thoughts that you heal quickly. Drool for PW Miss Pauline -- we hope she's back to being bossy soon! Safe return home drool for poor Skiddy Girl.</div>
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<div>No eating chocolate drool to Ben! And drool for King Bob the DOg -- where would we be without him? Drool for Tessie and her sore paw and drool that Della's sebaceous cysts heal up without infection. Geoffrey had one of those erupt over the winter and my husband is still traumatized -- it is indeed a scene out of a horror movie!</div>
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<div>Happy Birthday to George E. Grunt.</div>
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<div>And finally, a happy birthday to my very sweet boy Henry. Henry is 4 today -- although we rescued him from BROOD last year he came with papers. He is the sweetest little boy -- all he wants is to be with his people and be loved. We're going to have extra birthday snuggles tonight to celebrate. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>