<div> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Brudder Dudster hewe, Doer ob da Dastardly Deeds, hehehe (whatebber dat means, it souns gud).<br>
Sirius, my bud, you sound wike you doin' a gud job at u howse. U gotted to teste a WOT ob yummy fings. Momslabe say she heppy I onwy pwefer paper goods an' cardbord cuz we'd awl be libbin' in da poor howse, wherebber dat is iffen I tested udder stuff. Ebbery day I fines sum, no matter how hard her tries to hide it. Acchewly, since we are moobin' to a new howse, dere are wots ob dem cardbored boxes aroun...<br>
In fact, do HOLE howse be in a BIG mess cuz da painter man be hewe. He brawted sum gud smellin' fings wut he put on da fwoor wif him wut smeww wike udder dogs an' howses an' stuff. My sniffer hab bin workiin' obertime, hehehe.<br>
Bob daDOg - we hopes ur back stay feelin' gud. <br>
We sendin' da drool to ebberyhoundie and slabe wut needs it an' sheshul drool to awl da homewess hounds and houndettes owt dere to fine dem sum gud homes wut wike we hab.<br>
A BIG AHROO out to Nigel, LLewis, Brudder Jake and Elwood (my pawsonal hewo, hehehe)<br>
Da Dudster, D Ob DD<br>
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