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Ella Louise here,<BR>
Since my dadswabe is a retired Secwet Serbice Agent, I went strwait to da bassets mouf to fwind da information asked regarding da "first puppy".<BR>
1. In da past, first puppies did not have code names. <BR>
2. Da First Puppy will not be assigned a Secwet Serbice Agent.<BR>
3. Dere are no doggy doors in da White House.<BR>
4. The First Puppy will not be given an identification badge.<BR>
5. There are Secwet Serbice dogs: Belgium Malamuts, they are explosive experts and pway an important wole in da security and safety of da president<BR>
7. Da First Puppy sweeps wherever da fwamily wants (if dey are smart enough to adopt a basset, we know wheres he/she will sleep) the dadswabe thinks <BR>
da First Puppy will sweep with da girwls. <BR>
6. The First Puppy has total acess to the Oval Office and West Wing.<BR>
7. And for da final anser (which, by da way, put an indignant look on my dadswabes face) Da Secret Service does not do dog walkies or poopie patrol<BR>
I on da odder han, unwike da first puppy, do have mememememem own secwet serbice agent. dis makes mememememem impawtent in dis house, da yelloh howse!!!!!<BR>
Ella Louise, First Puppy of the Yelloh Howse<BR>
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