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I took Rosie to do an agility demo for a local rescue benefit today. She is retired from agility due to her recent back injury, but she is still a good P.R. dog for these types of events and I thought I'd just take her out there and let her run through some tunnels. I also took all the jump bars off the jumps and let her run through them without jumping. Anyway, while I was running her, a woman was standing on the sidelines talking on the cell phone, and occasionally she would interrupt her call and ask me a question about Rosie...such as how old is she, etc. Finally she interrupted our run and asked if Rosie is housebroken. I was really puzzled but I said well, yes, she is...then I realized the woman was trying to adopt Rosie! She thought Rosie was one of the rescue dogs up for adoption. She kept telling the person on the other end of the line how beautiful Rosie is and she has even been trained to do agility! I told the woman Rosie is not up for adoption, and she said "oh" and walked away. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!<BR><BR><FONT color=#ff00ff><EM><STRONG>Anita Sacrey</STRONG></EM></FONT><BR><FONT color=#ff00ff><EM><STRONG>B'Arkansas Agility Dogs</STRONG></EM></FONT><BR><STRONG><EM><FONT color=#ff00ff>We're B.A.A.D. to the Bone!</FONT></EM></STRONG><BR><BR><BR><br /><hr />Windows Live Hotmail now works up to 70% faster. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/Hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_faster_112008' target='_new'>Sign up today.</a></body>