<div>I have trouble with snoods when the kids are just out playing. The boys tend to pull the snoods over each other's faces and then they are lost. I have to go get them. Of course they are always in the furtherest corner of the yard and racing about blindly, barking,crashing into trees and each other. It doesn't seem to bother them particularly that they are temporarily blind, in fact may be a Basset Version-- literally-- of Blind Man's Bluff. However there are places in the yard where a Basset, flying along at top speed blind as a...mole...could really get hurt.</div>
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<div>When it is really cold here-- below about 10 degrees-- I set a timer for 5 minutes. I hate to curtail their inner puppies, but that's life in the midwest winter.</div>
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<div>(We used to figure it was safe to go riding (bareback) at 10 degrees. Anything under that and your toes and fingers were in peril. Probably they were anyway, but we were 15 years old ) (Besides it had the unintended but at the time gratifying effect of making my Mother crazy.)</div>
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<div>MomPerson (who was a bad little girl) to Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell and Cooper</div>