<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Kathi Lockhart, Slave to Hannah, is back in the hospital after complications from brain surgery. She has spinal fluid leaking, which was causing unbearable headaches, and fluid to drain from her nose. They did a spinal tap because of concern it could be meningitis, and thankfully it is not. They left the drain in her spine, and plan on removing it Wednesday. If the leakage hasn't stop, they said it means she has a hole from the location the brain surgery was done, and they will be going back in to repair it. To help Kathi be comfortable from the awful pain, they gave her pain meds through her IV. It stopped more than her pain, it stopped her heart and they had to call a code blue on her. She coded again in the ER. She is now stable and has a heart monitor, but in pain and very groggy. When I
talked to Steve, her hubby last night, I heard her groggily say "I need drool." I know we can all help with this request. Please keep Kathi in your prayers and send drool,</DIV>
<DIV>Maribeth - OBR foster mom, <BR><BR></DIV>
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