With fingers and toes crossed, I think I can say with some trepidation that Izzy is a success story in potty training at 19 weeks. Two things that helped and that I am very fortunate for are that (1) I am home most of the time because I am retired and (2) I was able to take her to Ohio State's vet school puppy kindergarten. They were so helpful that I don't know even with being at home how I would have been able to handle some of the puppy things I had either forgotten or never learned. They were harsh though and made it very clear that "mistakes" were mine, not Izzy's. Two things that I thought of when reading about problems with Mudge are that (a) I wondered if you are praising him enough when he goes outside. What I learned is that it's so important to make a big deal about it when they do it right - lots and lots of praise AND treats - good treats if necessary - something he really really loves even if it has to be roast beef. Believe me, he'll get the message. Getting mad if he goes inside will not work at all. The second thing is that you have to make sure you have a good enzyme-based cleaner for the places he goes inside. I bought a quart of a spray called NoMos (recommended at my local pet supply store where they said I'd need about 20 gallons but I didn't :-)). You have to, have to, HAVE TO get rid of any odor with something like this cleaner because even if you can't smell it, he can. I was even spraying it on throw rugs that went in the washer.<br>
<br>Izzy came from an Amish farm (puppy mill) where she spent the first 10 weeks of her life outside in a field. She has never pooped in the house and all I can think is that she must have trained herself that she has to have the feel of grass on her paws before she will go. On the other hand, she also does not like rain and getting her feet wet and used to run back in the house so we had a few battles about that. Fortunately, we pretty much had a drought happening here for the first 6 weeks or so that I had her. I think it was the 3rd time it rained when I opened the door to let her out, thinking she wouldn't go because I knew it was raining, and she looked at the rain and looked at me and barked at it for about one minute which was very funny and then she just went out there and did her thing and came back in. She got a big fuzzy towel rub and treats for that!<br>
<br>I still miss my sweet Annie every single day but am so grateful to have this little one who in so many ways reminds me of all the funny little things I loved so much about her.<br><br>Buckets of drool to all in need and especially to Kathi Lockhart. And a big slurpy welcome home to the Soldier Daddy!!<br>
<br>XOXOXOXOXOOXOXXOOXOXO<br>from Teddy, Izzy, Bailey <a href="http://bloggingbailey.blogspot.com/">http://bloggingbailey.blogspot.com/</a><br>and Beth<br>