<div>Hi Gals -<br> <br>WE GOTS EM, WE GOTS EM! They be be-u-tee-fullest! OH MY GOSH! I am so so happy, and theres where treats for mememe in da box too! Tanks yous gals so so much! Now I will make Auntie go buy a twee! <br>
<br>Tanks again, <br>Ms. Beasley </div>
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<div>PS Auntie here, what Ms. Beasley is talking about is her ornaments from PW Blossom and WC Annie Bell. I STRONGLY advise all droolers to order these beautiful ornaments or stockings. They are gorgous, we got one for Ms. Beasley, one for me, and one, in memory for Beasley's Mama, Mary. That one made me cry, it was so beautiful, it says "Angels Among Us" on it. They were happy tears. Thank you again, Cookie. I have to get a tree for sure now! </div>