.hmmessage P
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'tis Pw Ms.Brandy woofin at ya... <BR>
She slave is a bit slow this week taking my dictation- those hoomans can be such whiners when it comes to<BR>
being sick! <BR>
I can't believe that Pw Gina went to be with FQ Feyfey before it was my turn to go- I feel I will soon be the last <BR>
one of the "old" droolers standing on my four paws! Pw Gina sure had her slave training down- from the time she<BR>
waddled into that red Corvette almost exactly 5 years ago until the moment she left.<BR>
Unlike like myself she was not so stingy with giving kisses to her mama- her mama just had to be careful of where to<BR>
kiss back! She waddled into a home filled with toys and beds... those toys make nice pillows- playing with them<BR>
has never been a favorite pastime for either of us. <BR>
French fries were one of her favorite foods~ and she was often seen at the local BK getting a fresh order. She had her mama at her side almost at all times- though she did permit her to attend basset rescue events while usually her<BR>
two legged brother would fly in just to basset-sit. She was not ever expected to stay home alone- why who would<BR>
cover her up with her blankey if noone was there??<BR>
I am sending you snooter smooches auntie Suz as you have to learn to go through your days without catering to<BR>
Gina... I ordered she slave to add a piece of chicken jerky to the candle she lit for her safe passage to the bridge- ahh what a scent ( she slave did NOT like it hehe).<BR>
I hope she is watching from her fluffly cloud and and is still able to use her very own Discover card to order up<BR>
sad droolies, Pw Ms.Brandy<RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />Access your email online and on the go with Windows Live Hotmail. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/Hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_access_112008' target='_new'>Sign up today.</a></body>