<div>If you can help the male basset in Summerdale, please contact the shelter there and ask for Tiffany Long. If you need more information, contact me at <a href="mailto:jamalucy@gmail.com">jamalucy@gmail.com</a></div>
<div style="__styleDocument: [object]">He needs help asap. </div>
<div style="__styleDocument: [object]">Our rescue, BHRA is past full and we are asking for help for this boy. </div>
<div style="__styleDocument: [object]">YOu can tell from my signature that i am a volunteer with BHRA and not an individual asking for help. <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Robbie Bagby<br><a href="http://www.bhra.org">www.bhra.org</a> <br>
BHRA Trustee<br>Medical/Foster/Coordinator </div>