Dis is my furst Dwool posting. Dis be Gallagher. I be a 6 month old basset boy. momma says I'z lucky to be alive. She left her shoe for me to clean. I dont know why she'z so mad. I didz a gud job. I cleaned the leather right off da heel. Yum. Den, I took care ob dat monkey toy. No more squeeky! Dere's monkey gutz eberywhere - white fluffy gutz. Anyways, i be pawin in while da momma cool off. Da big sista is comin home from college tonight and her plane be late. i growed a lot since she last saw me.
<div>We'z goin on a big venture. Momma saw on the TB dat dere wuz a national dog show on Thanksgibben day. We didn't wealize that Auntie Betsy's house was dat famus. We be habbin our own dog show on Tanksgibben. We'z wentin a mini-van to drive zillions of miles and hours from Connetycut to Duxbury - near the original tanksgibben. Cysco, the old boy (13) hasn't been on a long car ride since he was a puppy. Since he needs the practice before our big venture to North Carolina, he's going to visit all his dog cousins. So they'll be marching 2 by 2 on the beach. In order by size 2 bassets (MacKenzie and me - Gallagher) followed by 2 goldens (1 yr. old Rory and 13 year old Cysco). Then there are 2 Berners (Princess Pumkin and Katy) and last the 2 humungus rescues - Teddy the 133lb. Airdale and Edda the 100lb Kuvas mix. I be the=2
0only boy in da parade who still gots all his boy parts. Momma say dat they'z comin off on Friday. What dat mean?
<div>We'z 'sited. Do you tink Auntie Betsy's diswasher will be as yummy as Momma's? I'z weally good at washin da dishes in da dishwasher. </div>
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