<div>Dere Ebberbudy</div>
<div> </div>
<div>We Wish You a Merry Thenksgibbin</div>
<div>We Wish You a Merry Thenksgibbin</div>
<div>We WISH You a Merry Thenksgib----whut Llewis. I singing a Thenksgibbin song for dese good peepels and dey Houndies, why you ask? Whutchu meen dis not rite?I fink I nose dese da words.. why you awways do dis?</div>
<div>Oh. Dat a Crissmuss song I sunging?</div>
<div>You shure, lemme see dat. Yeah you rite I hab trubble reedin...ok whut we do now?</div>
<div>Yeah we kin do dat. Dat a GUD idea, Llewis. For wonce. Oh nebbermine, less not fite taday. It TURKEY DAY! She awwreddy cookin!!</div>
<div>So youse reddy Llewis? Here we Goes:</div>
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<div>NIGEL AN LLEWIS (an MomPerson,Mitchell an Mr. Cooper, Sir) WISH ALL DE DROOLERS A GRATE </div>
<div>THENKSGIBBIN DAY an may all da Peepels an dere Hounds BE SAFE AN HEPPY ALL DAY.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>We done? I gotta go see whuts leff on da counter...</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Love an Drool to everbody whut needs it an ebben them whut doesn't</div>
<div>Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell, Cooper and MomPerson</div>