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Lois,<br><br>I have had experience with dry eye with Vinnie ATB when he was a senior I also used the dry eye lubricant and then took him to an ophthalmologist as they have access to more medication , there was a medication called tacrolemius I think that is how it is spelled it can actually help tear production in some dogs, My Vinnie was quite elderly about 14yrs at the time and his tear production did improve a bit. I definately would try a specialist in my experience it is worth it. Good luck I hope this helped.<br><br>Judy<br><br /><hr />Access your email online and on the go with Windows Live Hotmail. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/Hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_access_112008' target='_new'>Sign up today.</a></body>