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Jenny, I know exactly where you are at- I'm there too... my old girl is just a tad older than Doc and suffers from<BR>
several ailments as well. She is deaf- but has been so all of her life and that does not bother her at all. She does have other health issues and at this point in her life there are only so many things that could or will be done to her. She stresses major at the vets, so I limit those visits to the extreme. <BR>
I think the main thing you have to look at is quality of life and are you keeping him going for you or for him. You will know when he is no longer feeling well. When he no longer does or enjoys things as he used to ( ex walks or his meals etc). As for the shivering- yes it can indicate pain or he might just be cold. You might try some herbal pain relief - like Willow Bark- which may be easier on his system. Also ask your vet about Tramadol- this is sometimes tolerated better. Making sure he has a bed or pad to keep him off any cold floors will help too. The good thing about euthanasia is that it offers us a way to release those furbabies we love so much from a life that is no longer good to them. I think it is the greatest show of love to let them go when pain or illness takes over. Be honest with yourselves- I know this is hard for your hubby- but would he rather have him longer, but in pain- or release him and give him that last gift?<BR>
I am not saying you should let him go- think about the way he is- does he enjoy life?- if yes then try some more pain relief remedies- perhaps something else will work for him.<BR>And never mind what the family says- you know Doc best- you will do what is best for him.<BR>
droolies, Angelika and Ms.Brandy-still feisty and waving her paw around at 13++ and Elvis too!<BR>
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