<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10pt;color:#ff40ff;"><DIV>Hello fellow droolers!</DIV>
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<DIV>I have been away from the Drool for years, but have recently started reading again and I remembered how much I loved reading about all the other "crazy" bassets out there and also sharing in the heartbreak and sadness of losing a loved one.</DIV>
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<DIV>I currently have 3 bassets...Mugzy the momma's boy who is now 7 years old (8 in April), Rusty who was adopted from Tri-State at 9 months old and is now 7 (8 in July) and the newest member, Stewie. I adopted Stewie from the local shelter on Nov. 3rd. He was a stray, which I find hard to beleive as he is a very good looking basset, beautiful lemon and white with the longest ears. But, he had a very large tumor on his back leg. I think he was just let go by his previous owners as they probably couldn't afford the surgery.</DIV>
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<DIV>I went to visit Stewie at the shelter in the middle of Oct. and was told he was being adopted by a rescue in VA. I said why send him to a rescue when I am right here and ready to adopt him...wasn't looking to add a 3rd, but these things happen. Anyway, they called the lady and she said she wasn't a rescue, but she lived in VA and wanted this dog. The shelter said if she didn't come that weekend, they would call me. She came and got him Monday and I was heartbroken. Stewie and I had really bonded in the 3 hours I spent at the shelter. I told him that if it didn't work out at his new home, he had a place at mine. Soooooo, a week later, the sheler calls me and says he is being returned because he doesn't like cats...perfect, I don't have cats...so on Nov. 3rd, I picked him up and I swear he remembered me...they brought him out of the back and his head was down and his tail was tucked...I said "Hey Buddy, you
came back for me" He looked up, broke away from the shelter worker and charged me, jumping up and licking my face. </DIV>
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<DIV>So I just had his tumor removed and the news isn't good. It was a sweat gland which means it's in his lymph nodes and is highly aggressive. Thankfully, I work at my Vet's office and was able to get a 50% on the surgery, still cost $350, but it was worth it. They estimate Stewie to be about 4 years old and my heart is breaking to think that I may not have 10 more years with him. He is my new shadow and follows me every where...so just keep him in your thoughts and send some drool his way as we go through more testing and hopefully we caught this before it spread.</DIV>
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<DIV>Sorry, so long!!!</DIV>
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<DIV>Healing drool to all in need!!!</DIV>
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<DIV>Brandie, mom to Mugzy, Rusty and Stewie</DIV></div><br>