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Ella Louise here. What we needin on da dwool is more ob da Brudder Elwood. No more lockdown, No more Lockdown. When da gwandchillrens come to visit, I wet dem nose I in charge. If da momma ebber puts me in da lockdown I will howl so bad da nahbors will calls da powice and put da momma in jail. <BR>
Now we alls need to jus chill out! Dis is da howlidays and we needs some ob dat Chwismas spearit.<BR>
Ella Louise<RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />Send e-mail faster without improving your typing skills. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_speed_122008' target='_new'>Get your HotmailŪ account.</a></body>