<div>My Copper has been acting very emotionally needy over the last week or so. He's always been a needy dog in terms of attention, always wanting to be touching me or laying on my feet, and even laying outside my bedroom door when I shut it. This week however he's been particularly needy and it has me worried. Twice when I've gotten home from work he's come running to me and begun rubbing his head and shoulders all over me. This went on for about 20 minutes before he settled down next to me on the couch. Also, his standard spot on the couch is curled up with either his but up against my hip or with his head resting on my thigh. We spend almost every evening this way. Twice in the last few days when I've sat down in my spot on the couch, he's climbed completely into my lap. This is a very unusual behavior for him. Elphaba, my little Mt. Goat climbs into my lap all the time but Copper almost never does.</div>
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<div>Strangest of all is that we've been home most of the last 10 days, and the days we haven't been home the dogs have been with us. Copper has always needed a little extra human interaction since he was tied up away from humans for so many years, but this neediness all of a sudden worries me. I don't mind a bit if he's decided he wants to climb up in my lap more often just for the heck of it, but I've always thought dogs were a bit empathic, and I'm worried that he knows something I don't.</div>
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<div>Seems silly of me I know, but I'm a worrier. Has anyone every had this happen with any of their bassets? It could be that he's just cold and mommy's lap is warm, but he didn't do this last winter, at least that I can recall.</div>
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<div>Brenda- momslave to Copper (I want lots of extra love right now) and Elphaba (I want whatever Copper is getting!)</div>