<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Got Fred home from the vet with his E Collar. The Vet tried to bandage it last week but Fred took it off in a day and a half.<br>Thanks to all who wrote me and told me of other collars. With his Ear being the problem, I really don't think the others will work. Am still looking so may change my mind since the Vet says it will be on for three weeks.<br>I am beginning to think we should have named him Bulldozer or Tank! When I get him into the backyard he just bulldozes his way through the leafs. It is funny to watch him shake his head and keep going. Yes, I am trying to get the leaves out of his way-have had to shovel snow for a Doxie and a Whine/Sheader for several years in MIchigan-so leaves are no big deal-just need time to do them!<br>Fred and I send our condolences for Maggie and the others that have gone on to the Bridge-I lost my Whiner/Sheader about 2 1/2
years ago and it still hurts, but all the laughs and goodtimes of 12/13 years almost makes it bareable.<br>Best to all-am just beginning to enjoy the Drool-<br>Fred <br><br><br><span style="font-family: verdana;">Richard S. Coleman</span>, <span style="color: rgb(64, 127, 0);">LandScape Designer</span></td></tr></table><br>