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<RTE_TEXT>Marley is at it again. The DH is practicing his trumpet part for the Christmas musical and Marley is letting him know that he is annoying her. Or maybe she is just singing along. She complains on the low notes but really bellows on the high ones. She even had NInja doing small howls last night. Maggie seems immune and just happily chews her bone with a goofy look on her face while the music plays. She always has a goofy look on her face. <BR>
We are loving the Christmas cards with houndies. I don't care nearly as much if we get ones from friends as I do when the hound ones come. I don't have them up yet but hope to soon. We are scroogie this year. No outside lights yet either. <BR>
No matter how scroogie I feel, it always makes me feel better to sit with a houndette curled up next to me or on me. They are a great form of therapy. Petting a head or butt in Marley's case, makes all the stresses of the day seem a lot less important. All these sweet girls want is to know that their people are there for them. And that there is a never ending supply of food. I am so blessed that these girls bestow their love on me and my family. They are wholeheartedly trusting. It just breaks my heart when people throw them away. <BR>
Sending comforting drool and snooters from Southern Illinois,<BR>
Ninja, Marley, and Maggie<BR>
ps. Marley says their is nothing like sitting on the Dad's lap and getting a massage with a possible snack too. Just the best way to end the day. </RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />Send e-mail faster without improving your typing skills. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_speed_122008' target='_new'>Get your HotmailŪ account.</a></body>