Santana boy hew aka Mr. Pants,<br><br>it sure has been a long time since me posted...i fink longer den some of our ears!<br><br>What have I been up to you ask? Well lets see...<br><br>I almost stole an entire rib slathered with bbq sauce off grammys plate cept mommy put the hand in the way.<br>
<br>Me heards me might be gettin a sibling in the spring time (stay tooned!) me not sure iffen me wants a sibling (wait mommy sed to tell ebberyone it's a 4 legger not a two she not ready for children yet hehe)<br><br>
I went to petsmart and got petted and loved on by lots of people. There was this lady who asked me iffen I was a show dog. Daddy laughed and mommy was like Santana that is a compliment. Daddy then said unner his breath "more like a SHOW OFF!"<br>
<br>Mommy put some lights on my twin wooden sibling for the holidays. now the neighborhood dogs are laffin at me finking me outside wif lights on (how embarassing!)<br><br>I have gotten a kiss by the mean exorcist kitty that hates my guts...i fink she in lubb with me but she don't wanna admit it. She still hisses at me and we play alligator mote...she will leap off the couch over to the table and me snaps at her like an alligator...we play this game often.<br>
<br>Mommy & Daddy is going to have 2 weeks off with me for the Holidays and me can't wait...den when they go back to work on January 5th imma pee on der new down blanket but mommy puts this cover in it and den a cover on that cover she finks she smart!<br>
I do this when I am upset at them so I fink they know better now.<br><br>I have also scored 3 pairs of panties and 4 pairs of chones from the parents and hide them behind the recliner hehe...They get taken back but it's still fun to see mommy say Sannntannnaaaaaaa!<br>
<br>oh me also got a new bed because mommy put mine in the know the part that she takes outta da cover and me wikes to "make friends" with well dum dum left it too long and forgot to turn off the heat and it melted.<br>
<br>Dats about it fer now...not too much excitement..but me is fixing to hopefully hab sum for the 2 weeks the parents hab off! <br><br>Me is sending drool to all who needs it and hugs and snooters to all the ladies!<br>You know I am 2 years old now....Me wikes the ladies a lot! hehe<br clear="all">
<br><br>Santana Senor Smarty Pants Ov The WildWest OEBE<br>AkA. Mr. Pants The Basset Hound <br><br>Check out Mr. Pants' woofsites! <br>Dogster Page: <a href=""></a> <br>
OR<br>Myspace Page: <a href=""></a><br><br>There is no psychiatrist in the world like a Basset Hound licking your face<br>