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<DIV>Dis Brudder Elwood. Furst, we seys we sendin drools fur the houndies to da
brudge. We very sorry.</DIV>
<DIV>Den we seyz for all da peeps stey safe an warmz. Mudder Nature bein on da
roar out dere. We worriez bout dat too.</DIV>
<DIV>Den I readz da droolz, I read dis bout Momperson a leebin da boyz an a
going out las nite. </DIV>
<DIV>I fink on dis.</DIV>
<DIV>Me Momma an da Daddy why dey dooze da same fing. Is dis summfin a goin on
out der dat da Brudder Elwood not be a knownin?? But me Momma, she gone, not too
long, an her an me Daddy a come in da home, I git out of me cage. I headin fur
me dog door to go lift me legbone, an I seyz, HOLDIT. What dat smell?? I fink I
looks beforez I pee.</DIV>
<DIV>An dere it be. My hebbinly starz, rite dere, whut I fink we nebber
<DIV>Da White Box on me counter.</DIV>
<DIV>I git me nose a goin, I nebber smellz one ob dem, I done gabe up da hopez
of it a comin to me home. I do da happy dance.</DIV>
<DIV>Momma she a guardin da box, she seys now Brudder Elwood, dat not fur youze.
Dat be Seafood.</DIV>
<DIV>I seyz, dat rite-Brudder Elwood SEE FOOD, he Eat da SEE FOOD, dis be da
plan, now git it on down herez so I not only see da food I EAT da food. Whut she
be a missin in dis story I seyz, da woomen gone round da bendz agin, an iffin
she not hurry I gonna hab to worry bout Elder Clara gittin her trunk on in dere.
<DIV>Gimme da box.</DIV>
<DIV>Momma she pick up da box, she openz it rite up. Brudder Elwood ready. Got
da chopperz set. Whut ebber in dere be mine. I not be left out ob da white box
fun no morez.</DIV>
<DIV>Den it happin.</DIV>
<DIV>Momma put me white box in da fridgernator. I standin on me back legbonez,
ready an waitin an dere it go. Da door snappy shut. Me white box done
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Sigh. So close, but so far awey. None fur da Brudder. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=0 face=Arial size=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" PTSIZE="10">Debbie
Winchester<BR>Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<BR>Bob, Elder Clara,
Daisy, Jake and<BR>Brudder Elwood OEBE <BR>Instigator of Evil Deeds <BR>Virginia
Beach Basset Hounds<BR></FONT></DIV></FONT><BR><BR><BR><DIV CLASS="aol_ad_footer" ID="95385f917d655b66cc43d5d922462409"><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. <a href="http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp&icid=aolcom40vanity&ncid=emlcntaolcom00000010">Try it now</a>.</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>