<div>Hewo, dis be Joey, an I finawy done it! I gotted da pipsqweek brudder!! Wast year da momma an hers momma adopted da pipsqweek brudder Checkers fwom da wescue for da gwanpawswabe, as a early Cwistmas pwesent. Well, he not so bad, but he awe guts, no bwains!! He chew me earfwaps, bits me tail, chews me wegs, yous get de idea! Wew, a big houndie wike me gots da wimits, an he be pushing dem, so yesterday I gets me wevenge!! I squish he!!</div>
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<div>Da fambly hab awe deese funny peoples dere, dey say dey be famby too. I sniffs some ob dem afore, but not awe ob dem. But, dey WUBS me!! Dey call me Snoopy (ebben dough he be a beagle, he a houndie, dat make we cousins, wight? Da bassets an da begales?) Anyahrooo, de pipsqweek, he be dere too. He be acting cute an runnin aroun, an den he goes and sits down. Wew, I decided dis be da bestest time for da wevenge! I go an sits on he! Yup, I hoist up meself, an Splat! Sit right on top ob him! He nebber eben nose what hit he!! Hehehe, da gwanpaw say it be hillary us!! Da pipsqweek be kinda grumblin an grumpin, I just snuggle down in, an stay put! Dat show he who da boss!! Da gwanpaw say he be makin awe sort ob funny noises, an not be too happy about me sittin on he, but dat teech hims! Maybe he weeve me earfwaps be on me headbone, an weeve me tail awone for a bit! Nah, he gots no bwains dis one does, so me not finknin it gonna wast wong.</div>
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<div>Oh, awso, we hab some ob dem wittle 2 weggers awond. Ebbrey houndie be wight, dey be gweat!! Da smallest one (what I smellt afore) hab a cookie in he hand, an he eatten da cookie, but weely slow like. So, he put he hand out, I be wight dere a helpin he wiff dat cookie! It be weely good! But, da gwandmaw, she say it be no good, it got da chockolate innit, so no mores. Dat okay, one be good enough! Awe so, dat widdle one, he make da woud noises, ebery time he make da skreemy, I go an wick hes face. He seem confussed, but he stop da skreemy! It be a good weekend for dis big houndie!!</div>
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<div>Okay Joey, let momma explain it. Apparently well I was gone at my training program (I'm learning how to train dogs at our local shelter, so every week I get to go be dragged around by a big Am. Staff), and when I got home, dad regaled me with Joey's adventures. Apparently he sat on Checkers, like full out climbed over him, and splatted him!! Dad said Checkers was funny, he was making crazy noises (not "I can't breathe, help!" noises, more like "who parked this dump truck on me?! Get it off" grumbles and such). Checkers has indeed been giving Joey more space, but we figure that'll only keep up for another few days. No brains in Checkers!</div>
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<div>Also, mom said that my cousins little one was there, and everytime he screamed or started crying, Joey went running over to him, and had to lick his face. Apparently the kid was a bit confussed as to why a big dog came running to him and licking his face, but it stopped him from crying! He's not around kids all the time, but every time he has been he's been good. (Even mom admitted, he stole a cookie from my little cousin, but he did it gently, and never chewed on the kid in the process). He's been poked in the eye, had ears & tail pulled, at a festival once he had his tail rolled over by a stroller, none of it has ever phased him. I'll never understand why his previous family gave him up when they had a baby, saying he was "too much trouble." He's a big, clumbsy oaf, but other than that, he is so sweet with the little ones!<br>
-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473</a><br></div>