<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">After reading Daily Drool for a couple of weeks, I have found a lot of information I did not know-Did not take Much!<br>I have always kept food and water out 24/7. Sadie (Dox) and my other indoor dogs have not gotten into it unless they were hungry. After reading the post on BLOAT, I am wondering if this is a smart thing to do with Fred around. I am feeding Bil-Jac-<span style="text-decoration: underline;">for puppies</span>-dry.Places I read about Bloat said they need 30 % Protein and meat every week. Can anyone confirm? Fred is only 8 months old<br>So far he has not taken to counter surfing, or any other habits-just gathering socks-that have gotten him into to much trouble. <br>His ear is doing nicely-he even likes to sleep on that side.<br>What is an ATB? Finely found out what an OEBE was. Figure Fred will earn his certificate before it is all over. Still
have not got him to lead worth a flip-guess it is time to get a harness-and a cart! If he is 40 lbs at 7 months with feet the size of saucers, how big is Fred going to get?<br>Will be taking him to Oklahoma over Christmas-should be exciting! Sadie travels well, but really don't have a clue as to how Fred will do. Do they make any 'knock out drops' for Bassets? Look forward to hearing from you. <br>Another question-How do you send the cards?<br>As I have questions I will be writing-Really want Fred to be the best he can be-What Ever That IS!<br><span style="font-family: verdana;">Richard S. Coleman</span>, <span style="color: rgb(64, 127, 0);">LandScape Designer</span></td></tr></table><br>