.hmmessage P
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<br>I'm a bit shaken. How do you guys get your hounds to relinquish things?<br><br>Alfie won't give anything up. Full stop. <br><br>I've just tried to get a stray pop-sock from him and was nearly bitten in the process. I got plenty of growling as warning and when I wouldn't leave him alone, he kinda went 'in zone' and I would have copped it if I hadn't had moved away. This is the worse I've ever seen him.<br><br>I hate to say this but he scared me. He has GOT to learn to relinquish not just for me but for others too. This is dangerous.<br><br>This is obviously my fault and I need to correct it. Smartish.<br><br>Of course, now he's eaten the sock he is all sweetness and light and wanting some loving.<br><br>Hilary <br><br><br><br /><hr />Take your friends with you with Mobile Messenger. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/msnnkmgl0010000001ukm/direct/01/' target='_new'>Click Here!</a></body>