<WBR>Oh boy, Pam - have you ever got THAT right. Our Dudley does the same thing and puts even Daisy, who we thought was a pretty decent CC to shame! Duds bounce, bounce, bounces and then stretches his neck out as far as it can go - which is REALLY far - in order to nab whatever it is that he wants. I swear that hound has a pogo stick up his Basset butt. LOL!<br>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 3px; BORDER-LEFT: blue 2px solid"><PRE><TT>And never, ever, underestimate how high a determined basset can jump. Our Jane
will keep bouncing until she reaches the desired object. She could even get to
the back of our old stove (thus the new grated stove).</PRE></TT></BLOCKQUOTE><br>
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