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While I LOVE the Daily Drool calendar, I really do think there should be a "Nigel and Llewis Page-a-Day" calendar as well. I have had a HORRIBLE morning (poo in the crate, dog that wouldn't come in, you know, the usual 'mom is running late, let's have FUN') and as soon as I read this (radishes? I mean, priceless) I couldn't help but burst out laughing. <BR><BR>Alison<BR><BR><BR><BR>
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Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 06:43:16 -0600<BR>From: bgszap@gmail.com<BR>To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>Subject: [Dailydrool] Buuuuuuuuuuuuudddddeeeerrrrrrrrrr<BR><BR>I Nigel! I secont da vote on Budder! Mmmmmmmmmmmm meke me droool juss finkin bout it. <BR>I, however, cognizant of da radishes budder kin prodewce in my beautious cartiaxe sistem (didint fink I nose dat word "cognizant" didja?) prefer da I Canit Beleeve It Not Budder brand. I hab scored meny tubs ob it an nebber a upset tum. I rekomend it. It eesy gettin da lid off, too. By da way.<BR><BR>Llewis I did too git dat word right.<BR>Oh.<BR>whatre radishes, den?<BR>Llewis say it ravischtes. Like da ravitches of time. Whadebber. <BR><BR>Love an Drool an speshial no snow to Aunty Leslie.<BR><BR>Nigel an Llewis<BR><br /><hr />Send e-mail faster without improving your typing skills. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_speed_122008' target='_new'>Get your HotmailŪ account.</a></body>