<div>I started back to work this past week after my two months medical leave. It was a hectic and tiring week and, by Saturday, I was exhausted. The DH and I decided that we would just kick back and watch a movie on TV after dinner. While we were eating, we looked through the guide and decided to watch the movie "Frequency" that was coming on in about 20 minutes. We tuned the TV to the channel it was going to be on and then finished eating. By the time we were done, the movie was starting so we put our dishes in the sink and headed to the living room.</div>
<div>Although we had both seen the movie before, we still got caught up in the story line and, other than a few comments, we didn't say much for a while. After the movie had been on for about an hour, we happened to look at each other and, at the exact same moment, realized that we had both spent the last hour standing in the doorway of the living room because every single seat (a large couch and three chairs) was occupied by hounds. All of them were sleeping peacefully in the comfortable furniture. </div>
<div>I hope we aren't the only ones out there! What made you realize you were trained this week? </div>
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<div>Kathi - Slave to Fogarty, Marla, O'Tay, Sam, Beauregard, Belle, and Hannah B - Hershey and Klause the Wannabes - and Forever Loved Einstein, Harriet, Honey, Miss Droopy, and Abbi (All waiting ATB)</div>