<div>we be two lucky houndies here. da dadslave so smart, er not akording to mom but to us he da smartest man alibe. </div>
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<div>before turkeythankfulday he take a ride ober to da store dat supplys the magical places dat whiteboxes come frum. what rupert? oh it calld restront depo. dad buys 5 pound bag of garlic and a 5 pound bag of cubed cheeze. we not know why he buy so much and mom say it redicalus but dad say he cudnt hepp himself. he say "where else can you buy a 5 pound bag of garlic?" </div>
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<div>well we no care bout no garlic but we pleasd wif da cheeze. mom say it gonna go bad and we need to use it all up. no problem there. we be gettin cubed cheeze wif our kibble all week and there is still a lot left. looks like we gonna have a cheezy christmas and a very cheezy new year. we be lucky. </div>
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<div>drool and cheeze to all, </div>
<div>cowboy wif da rooooopert</div>