<div>When we moved into our neighborhood ten years ago I was delighted to find that the neighborhood association arranges for Santa to visit our neighborhood the Saturday before Christmas just after dark. "Santa" is a police officer who is a friend of another officer who lives in our neighborhood and he has a complete float with a sled, reindeer (fake but life sized), and children who are his elves that is lit up and blares Christmas carols as he comes thorough the neighborhood. Santa ho-ho-ho's and wishes everyone a Merry Chrismas through a PA system as he comes through. I may be 44, but I still get a thrill from running to the mouth of our cul-de-sac to watch Santa go by and wave and have him wish me a Merry Christmas!</div>
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<div>When we got Geoffrey a bit over two years ago we realized that the noise that Santa makes terrifies him. He's not afraid of thunder or any other noise, but Santa is a different story. Molly and Henry don't freak over it like Geoffrey does, but they don't like to be in the yard when he comes through.</div>
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<div>Last night I made a prime rib dinner for my husband and stepson who can't be with us Christmas Day for our early Christmas celebration. I was just bringing the hounds out to the backyard to give them their delicious meaty rib bones (a very rare treat) when here comes Santa Claus. Geoffrey freaked and wouldn't take his bone. Molly and Henry slipped back inside and proceeded to eat theirs on my new kitchen rug (selected for its stain-proof qualities so we got to test that). I brought Geoffrey's in and put it on the floor in front of him, and then ran to slip on my shoes and run out to see Santa. Geoffrey literally abandoned his very meaty bone to try to block my way past the door to protect me, and then tried to escape to grab me back when I got out past him. I was standing waiting for Santa to turn the corner when here comes DH with Geoffrey on the leash who immediately ran to me and tried to herd me back to the house. Of course I wouldn't go, and as the noise from Santa's Sleigh got louder and louder Geoffrey redoubled his efforts. When Santa came into view Geoffrey stopped and just looked. And as Santa passed by wishing me a Merry Chrismas and wishing, "Merry Christmas Doggie" to Geoffrey I think Geoffrey realized that it wasn't that awful. We walked calmly back to the house and only then would Geoffrey approach his by now a bit less meaty bone thanks to his brother and eat it. And I was warmed to the bottom of my heart that my Geoffrey, who would sell his soul for a treat, gave up a meaty bone to save his Mom from the evil Santa Claus!! Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, (Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>