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<br>Hats off to all you fosterers. <br><br>I transported a beautiful pair of basset brothers today. They were only 6 months old, full of mischief and I would have done ANYTHING to bring one or both of them home. <br><br>Both managed to squeeze themselves through the boot guard and spent most of the journey on my back seat, rummaging, being sick on, and eventually sleeping amongst all my things (mainly bedding and clothes from a few days 'camping' on my friends new barge). They would have joined me in the 'cockpit' if I hadn't wedged a washing basket between the front seats. What a sight that must have looked going down the motorway!<br><br>I confess shedding a tear or two, saying goodbye. I'd make a great foster-failure. Unfortunately, we were only able to have the two basset boys. No prizes for guessing the likely fate of the girls. It is heartbreaking.<br><br>Hilary, Alfie and Millie<br><br><br><br><br><br><br /><hr />Great search results, great prizes. BigSnapSearch.com <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/117442309/direct/01/' target='_new'>Search now</a></body>